Code Enforcement & Animal Control

Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement administers violations of the Municipal Code of Ordinances. Code violations are logged and investigated by the Code Enforcement Officer. Violations are subsequently submitted to and prosecuted by the Johnson City Municipal Court.
Activities Requiring Permits in Johnson City:
Trade Work – Residents or contractors performing trade work (i.e., plumbing, electrical, decks, etc.) will require permits from the City of Johnson City.
Banners & Signs – Temporary banners and commercial signage require City of Johnson City permits.
Note: This is not a complete list of activities that may require a permit. Contact Development Services for more information.
Animal Control
Johnson City Animal Control administers violations of the City's Animal Control regulations. The Department primarily seeks to 1) prevent the spread of the rabies virus and 2) ensure the humane treatment of animals within the City, including helping to reunite lost pets with their owners. PAWS Shelter of Central Texas assists the City with pet reunification.
City Code requires the following for pets:
- Vaccinated against rabies;
- Restrained (leash or secure yard) at all times;
- Dangerous animals must be confined within a secure building or enclosure;
- Wear identification on a collar;
- Females that are not spayed should be confined, except for controlled breeding; and
- Owners should ensure that pet waste on public sidewalks, recreational areas, or private property is immediately disposed of properly.
Violations of Animal Control Ordinances are punishable by a fine of up to $500.00 for each violation or day.