LBJ & Kennedy

City Secretary


The City Secretary is appointed by the City Council and performs the duties prescribed by Texas Local Government Code, Section 22.073, and the Municipal Code of Ordinances.


Whitney Walston
City Secretary

City Hall
303 E. Pecan Dr.
Johnson City, Texas 78636
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Saturdays and Sundays

Public Information Requests

The Public Information Act is triggered when a person submits a written request for documents to the City.  A Public Information Request Form can be found here.  The request must ask for information that is already in existence.  The Act does not require the City to create new information, compile data, do legal research, or answer questions.

Requests may be mailed, emailed, faxed or submitted in person to the following:

  • By mail to City Secretary, P.O. Box 369, Johnson City, TX 78636
  • By e-mail to wwalston@johnsoncitytx.org
  • By fax to (830) 868-7718
  • In person at City Hall, 303 E. Pecan Dr., Johnson City, TX 78636

Please include enough information on the form for City Staff to accurately identify and locate the requested information. Cooperate with local government body’s reasonable efforts to clarify the type or amount of information requested. A form has been provided for your convenience, but it is not required when submitting an open records request.

Cost of Records

A written estimate of charges may be provided to you within ten (10) days of the date of submission.  If estimated costs exceed $100.00 (or $50.00 in a City with fewer that 16 full time employees), the City may require a bond, prepayment, or deposit.  You may ask the City for a waiver or reduction of charges if the requested information primarily benefits the general public.

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