-- Register for Emergency Alerts at WarnCentralTexas.org -- Burn Ban in Effect Thru 1/14/25 -- TxDOT Citizen Letter --

Meeting Categories: Board of Adjustment

May 16, 2023

Date and time: 2023-05-16 06:00 pmLocation: Johnson City City HallDepartment: May 16, 2023 Agenda SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE OF PARTICIPATION BY TELEPHONE CONFERENCE The City of Johnson City utilizes Zoom Technologies: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83194135019?pwd=RkRncmM5bkNDbFY0L2hWOG1SKzFIQT09 Meeting ID:  831 9413 5019 Passcode:  7Fvp22 Dial by your location:  +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID:  831 9413 5019 … Continued

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