Appearing in Court

Please allow 2-3 days before making an appearance.  The Police Department must first file the charge with the Court before we can assist you.

Your appearance date is noted on your citation just above your signature.  It states that you promise to appear “on or before” the provided date.  You must make an appearance in person or by mail (post marked) no later than the date provided.  Telephone calls DO NOT constitute an appearance.  Please note that the Clerk can handle most transactions at the window; however, if you wish to see the Judge, you must submit a written request and be scheduled for the next available docket.

Continuance requests may only be submitted for good cause, and they must be submitted in writing. Requests are not granted by telephone.

The law requires that you (and/or your attorney) appear in Court in person for your case.  If you are under 17 years of age, you must appear with a parent and you cannot waive Court appearance.

Your first appearance is to determine what plea you will enter in your case.  If you plead guilty or no contest, you may wish to reveal any extenuating circumstances that you want the Judge to consider when setting your fine.  If you plead “not guilty,” the Court will schedule a pre-trial and jury trial dates.  You may waive your right to a jury trial.  If you do, the trial will take place before a judge.  In all criminal trials, the City must prove the guilt of the Defendant beyond a reasonable doubt of the alleged offense charged in the complaint.

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