Archives: FAQs

New Trial

If you are found guilty, you may make a written motion to the Court for a new trial.  The motion must be filed within 10 days after judgement or verdict of guilt has been rendered against you, and it must specifically include what grounds you rely upon.  The Judge may grant a new trial if … Continued

The Trial

Under Texas law, you can be brought to trial only after a formal complaint is filed.  The complaint is the charging document that alleges what you have done and the fact that such action is unlawful.  You can only be tried for what is alleged in the complaint.  Trials are conducted under the Code of … Continued

Appearing in Court

Please allow 2-3 days before making an appearance.  The Police Department must first file the charge with the Court before we can assist you. Your appearance date is noted on your citation just above your signature.  It states that you promise to appear “on or before” the provided date.  You must make an appearance in … Continued

Deferred Disposition / Probation

You are eligible for deferred disposition if you meet all of the following requirements: You have not had a deferral in Johnson City in the past year; Your request is made before the appearance date on the original citation, the notice to appear, or before any date to which that initial appearance date has been … Continued

Entering a Plea

You must decide upon and enter a plea to the charge against you on or before the response date on your citation.  If you signed a citation in front of an officer, you did not plead guilty, but only signed a promise to appear in Court.  There are three (3) possible pleas to a complaint: … Continued


Municipal Court is the judicial branch of City government and is part of the State Judicial System.  The Court hears misdemeanor criminal cases, including traffic violations, and cases involving violations of City ordinance. When you receive a citation, the options you have to resolve your case vary depending on many different factors, including, but not … Continued

Does the City require Certificates of Occupancy?

The City does not require Certificates of Occupancy for single family residential homes; a building final is sufficient.  The City does require Certificates of Occupancy for all commercial structures.  Applicants must submit the following: -Permit Application A Certificate of Occupancy inspection ensures that a structure is structurally sound and in compliance with life safety regulations. … Continued

Does the City have other permit and plan review requirements?

Fence Plan Review and Permitting Procedures Applicants must submit the following: -Permit Application -Site Plan: -Fence Location, Height, and Fence Material(s) Irrigation Plan Review and Permitting Procedures Applicants must submit the following: -Permit Application Swimming Pool Plan Review and Permitting Procedures Applicants must submit the following: -Permit Application -Site Plan: -Pool Location and Distance from … Continued

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